Padron 2000 Maduro Cigar Aficionado-Nicaragua - "Though a bit rough in appearance, this cigar burns and draws beautifully, showing an elegant array of nuts, nougat and caramel leading to a chocolate espresso finish complexity that belies the cigar's rustic wrapper." Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler. Length:127mm Guage:50 Flavour: Full PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 2000 Natural Cigar Aficionado-Nicaragua - "Dark and slightly pressed with a steady array of chocolate flavors, nutty notes and some cedar. A medium bodied smoke that draws evenly throughout." Medium body. Nicaragua binder; Nicaragua filler; Nicaragua wrapper. Length:127mm Guage:50 Flavour: Full PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 3000 Maduro The Padron 3000 Maduro cigars burn straight and draw generously for a smooth and flavorful experience with every pull. These cigars are made with Nicaraguan Sungrown Habano leaves aged for a minimum of two years. Given its lengthy process, the Padron 3000 Maduro cigar offers notes of earth, cocoa, coffee, pepper, and a bit of sweetness for a well-balanced profile. Length:135mm Guage:52 Flavour: Medium to Full PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 3000 Natural Cigar Insider-Nicaragua - "This big cigar is dark brown, and it has an easy draw. It's sweet and toasty, with rich notes of cocoa and a smattering of spice." Medium body. Nicaragua binder; Nicaragua filler; Nicaragua wrapper Length:135mm Guage:52 Flavour: Medium to Full PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 4000 Maduro Nicaragua - All tobacco used in this line of cigars is sun-grown habano that is aged a minimum of 2 1/2 years . Medium body. Nicaragua binder; Nicaragua filler; Nicaragua wrapper. Length:165mm Guage:54 Flavour: Medium PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 7000 Natural Cigar Aficionado-Nicaragua - "Rich notes of cedar and hard woods set the underlying tone for this leathery, peppery cigar. A medium- to full-bodied smoke." Medium body. Nicaragua binder; Nicaragua filler; Nicaragua wrapper. Length:159mm Guage:60 Flavour: Medium to Full PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron 7000 Maduro Cigar Insider-Nicaragua - "A thick log of cigar whose even draw layers the palate with nutmeg, leather and toasty intonations. Medium bodied and balanced." Nicaragua binder; Nicaragua filler; Nicaragua wrapper. Length:159mm Guage:60 Flavour: Medium PerBox / 26 sticks |
Padron Belicoso Maduro 1964Rich full-bodied flavors that were full bodied, yet creamy smooth as chocolate and cream, ruined all other premium cigars for me—In fact, I dream about smoking Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Belicoso cigars! If you’ve never tasted these high-end beauties, you’ll never know what you’re missing! Length:127mm Ring Guage:52 Strength: Medium to Full Bodied PerBox / 25 sticks |
Padron Heromoso Maduro 1964One of my favorite shorter smokes of all time, the Hermoso is luxury personified in cigar form. It is hand rolled with 4-year-old Nicaraguan tobaccos, giving it a smooth and bold aroma. It is finished with a dark Nicaraguan maduro wrapper, which adds in wonderful notes of dark chocolate and coffee. Length:101.6mm Ring Guage:56 Strength: Medium PerBox / 26 sticks |