Raw Six Shooter Variable Quantity Cone Filler , 1 unit

RM 103.00
Raw Six Shooter Variable Quantity Cone Filler , 1 unit Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

RAW Six Shooter Cone Filler Fits 1, 2, 3 or 6 (SIX!) 1 1/4 Size Cones!

Filling up your RAW cones has never been easier. You can fill up to 6 cones at one time. Simply loosen the center pin and dial the plate to the quantity you want to fill.

Place all the empty cones in the RAW Six Shooter cone filler. Grind up your herbs real well and dump it out on top. 

Shake and stir the ground herbs until they slowly fall into the cone. using a packer, pack the herbs down towards the tip.

RAW Six Shooter Cone Filler Fits 1, 2, 3 or 6 (SIX!) King Size Cones!

This variable quantity filler is designed to match your lifestyle. Sometimes you only want to fill 1 cone, while other times you’re ready to RAWK out and need 6 cones filled with peace.

The design was inspired by an old Spanish millstone. Just loosen the centre pin and dial the plate to the quantity you want to fill: 1, 2, or 3! Want to fill 6? Remove the plate (just make sure you replace the pin before filling)

Video: https://youtu.be/KbjHFA8iqeE

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