RAW Artesano 1 1/4 78mm + Tips + Tray, 1Booklet
RM 12.00
The RAW Artesano is the ultimate in Rolling Paper packaging. Each RAW Artesano contains rolling papers, tips and a pop-out spring-loaded rolling tray. The entire pack closes securely using a neat paper-fold over trick that RAW invented! This pack is 1 1/4 size, 78mm x 44mm.
Anyone and everyone who has been lucky enough to see or own one of these packs has basically freaked out saying things like omg this is amazing . RAW has always taken products to the next level which is why they are the leader of the pack !
32 Sheets 1 1/4 Size Raw Classic Rolling Papers
32 Perforated Natural Unrefined Filter Tips
1 Foldable Tray
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